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Other Games
Maze Pusher
A lone adventurer is stuck in a rock maze, and must find a way out! Push rocks, cut bushes, as you make your way through the this complex rock maze! but be careful because one false move you have to start all over again
2 Weeks ~ 6 hours
Henry Mattingly
Emanuel Malig
Brendan Teo
Construct 3
Level Design
Maze Pusher was developed with a team of 3 for a 2 week long school project created using the program Construct 3. Our objective was to create a simple maze game where you move parts of the map around to get out.
There is a calm relaxing music in the background meant to give the player a calm experience while playing.
Skills Developed
Level design
production of games
Game design
Map layout
I specialized in level design for the game. This is the whole map. It is designed in a way the player only has 1 way to escape and each part of the map leads the player into the next.
The pink blocks are movable by the player and the player is able to cut the bushes to clear a path.
The map layout is a maze and if the player pushes a block into the wrong spot blocking them they have no other way to continue and must restart.
Welcome to Debatable, the ultimate debating card game to find out who the debating champion is. In this game you will be paired up with someone and be given a random topic to debate about. It is your responsibility to convince the jury that you are correct about the given topic no matter how absurd your argument seems. Be civil or interrupt as much as you want, just remember that other people will remember what you did.
This game is played with a minimum of 4 players and has a maximum of how ever many people want to play. This is a funny debating card game that encourages you to make your voice heard and convince others that you are right over the people you are playing against.
4 Weeks ~ 16 hours
Henry Mattingly
Adobe Photoshop
Game Design
Card Design
Card Design
Card Front
Example Question Here
Example Answer Player 1
Example Answer Player 2
Card Back
Rule Sheet
Player Flow Chart
The player flow is quite straight forward. Once the players are given the topic and the stance they must argue they get time to think of ways to get people on their side and once the debate is over the rest of the players vote on who wins.
Player StoryBoard
The objective of creating the game was to make a fun comedic party game that forces players to take stances on topics or questions they would never have thought about.
Debatable was Developed in 4 weeks for a school project creating a card game. Throughout the creation process I had many different playtests at different stages in the production. Some of the most important feedback was about the topics on the cards and how they were really "out of the box" thinking and gets them to really question things in a fun way.
Where's The Crack Video Adventure
3 weeks ~ 10 hours
Henry Mattingly
Emanuel Malig
Diego Agruto
Adobe premiere
Game Design
Where's The Crack was a school project developed in 3 weeks with a team of 4. The story follows Diego trying to find a way to pay for his college and 2 friends helping him out. This is meant to be comedic and show how expensive college has become.
To play the game you watch each video and choose what happens next. There are multiple different outcomes so each decision made impacts the story heavily.
For this project my team and I were given big constraints when making the game. Our professor A.M Darke had us make the game be playable on YouTube, be a cooperative, and involve (a) crack.
This was very challenging for us especially because this was done during COVID and not all of us lived in the same city. We decided to create a choose your own adventure game and those who could, and felt comfortable, meet up and film all the scenes for the game
Phasmophobia Board Game
3 weeks ~ 15 hours
Henry Mattingly
Kevin Lewis
Juan Alvarado
Jose Velarde-Ruiz
Trisha Kopula
Minmini Sanganathan
Table Top Simulator
Game Design
Level Design
This was a school project where the assignment was to take a video game of any kind and make it analog. My team and I decided to take the game Phasmophobia and make it into a board game. We decided to go with this game because we thought it would be a good challenge for us given how popular the game is and wanted to see how we could make turning it into a board game would go.
To play the game you have 1 player be the ghost that hunts the seekers, and 2-4 other players play as the seekers moving thought the house to try and figure out what kind of ghost it is.
The biggest challenges were creating a map that is large enough for up to 5 players but small enough if there are only 3 and have everything evenly spaced out along with safe areas and where the evidence will be placed. Another challenge was the sanity system that is in the game. We needed to figure out how to make it fair for both the hunter and seeker while staying true to the game.
Map layout
I specialized in level design for the game. This is the whole map. It was designed in a way that each evidence is clearly marked and can be reached easily
I added in some obstacles for both the hunters and seekers to interact with hindering the others movement.
This map size was most like by all kinds of playtest group sizes.
Ghost Cards
Each ghost has different kinds of evidence indicating to the seekers what kind of ghost they are. On the card it is clearly laid out which evidences are true to the card.
I think the game came out very good while staying close to how the actual video game goes. All of our playtests had different outcomes and overall went very smoothly
How to play
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