This class project was partnered with the Santa Cruz Mountain Art Center and was chosen for active development.
Volunteering made easy
Project Details
This was a school project app design where we partnered with the Santa Cruz Mountain Art Center (SCMAC) to help discover issues they are having and design potential apps or websites to help them grow.
HubSpot is a volunteering scheduling app meant for people who teach classes, host events, and the volunteers themselves to request and sign up for volunteers easier.
February 2022 - March 2022
Henry Mattingly
Helen Li
Kamryn Callwood
Sid masuda
Pallavi Sivanandan
User Research
Over view
We were tasked with interviewing volunteers, current members, and board members to find out what was causing issues. We found scheduling was a major issue they were having and decided to create a volunteer scheduling app. We created user personas, story boards, wireframes, lo-fidelity designs, high-fidelity designs, and a clickable prototype in Figma.
We discovered everything was done by word of mouth and caused a lot of scheduling and miscommunication issues on the volunteer side of things.
Create a scheduling app for teachers, event creators, and volunteers. Those requesting can ask volunteers for specific classes, times, and dates. The volunteers can easily see what they are asking for and sign up.
Design Process
Story boards

After creating storyboards of how the app will function, we drew sketches of what the app will look like and interviewed SCMAC once again for the feedback and see if there are any key features they wanted to have. Then we started iterating on lo-fi designs
Lo-Fi Designs
Volunteer explore page

Volunteer Request From

High-Fidelity Designs Key Screens
Login screens

When logging in, you pick between being a staff member or a volunteer, this determines whether you are creating and hosting the events/classes (R) or signing up to help out with them.
Profile pages
Board members, teacher, event host


Here are 2 different views for the profile pages, the staff side (L) and the volunteer side (R).
Event Host View
Volunteer Request

Edit Event

These are the staff member's views of the volunteer request form (L) and editing an already created request form (R).
Volunteer View
Upcoming events volunteer signed up for

Upcoming events explore page

The volunteer view page shows what events you are currently signed up for and when. On the right, it is the explore page where users can sign up for specific events and be able to filter them based on roles
Poster Description of HubSpot

Learning Outcome
This was an amazing project to work on, especially partnering with the SCMAC in creating designs for them to use to help them grow. I learned so much about design work and the process. Conducting interviews, researching, storyboarding, and creating designs. I look forward to furthering my design skills and working collaboratively on similar projects again in the future.